superfluous material and join the edging to the garment. Crease the tuck with the seam directly in the fold so that the raw edges will be encased in the tuck. When the materials of the garment and the embroidery are similar, and there are several tucks above and below the seam, the joining is imperceptible. (Fig. 29.)

A ROLLED HEM may be used as a dainty finish in joining trimming of any kind to a garment of sheer wash material. Hold the wrong side of the material toward you, and, after Fashion Design Drawing - Sewing Stitches 19.jpg

trimming off all

ravelings, begin at the right end and roll the

edge toward you tightly between the thumb

and forefinger of the left hand, keeping the edge

rolled for about one and a half inches ahead of

the sewing. (Fig. 30.)Fashion Design Drawing - Sewing Stitches 20.jpg

EMBROIDERY MAY BE INSERTED by different methods. When a straight-edge insertion is used, the plain cambric may be cut away at each side of the embroidery. The material of the garment is then cut away under the embroidery, leaving a small seam, which is rolled and whipped to the embroidery as shown in Fig. 30. If preferred, aFashion Design Drawing - Sewing Stitches 21.jpg

small seam may be left on the insertion as well as on the garment and be put together by a tiny French seam. This is the finish most commonly employed.

Embroidery also may be inserted by a machine fell seam. (Fig. 31.) Baste the insertion to the material with a narrow seam on the wrong side. Trim Fashion Design Drawing - Sewing Stitches 22.jpg

off all ravelings and insert raw edges in the hem-mer of the machine, and stitch as in hemming.

Fashion Drawing Sections

Part-1 Part-2 Part-3 Part-4 Part-5 Part-6 Part-7 Part-8 Part-9 Part-10 Part-11 Part-12 Part-13